Friday 31 July 2009

Coldplay Want another Number 1!

It looks like COLDPLAY are getting their hopes up for another number one, with the release of their new single 'Strawberry Swing'.

Strawberry Swing will be the 5th single released from their 2008 Album 'Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends', or 6th if you include 'Life in Technicolor II' which technically came from the 'Prospekt's March' EP which was released in November.

This has always been one of my favourite tracks from the album and it certainly looks like they've tried to save the best 'till last, as they have put a LOT of effort into this one.

The video for Strawberry Swing quite frankly is STAGGERING,
it features an action sequence of a super-hero (obviously played by Chris Martin) battling through several obstacles in order to battle a huge squirrel and save a princess from a tea-cup full of water. Sound impressive? Maybe not.

But how about if i tell you that the whole video is filmed in stop-motion, and apart from Chris, rolling around on the floor, everything else has been sketched with Chalk on the black-top.

If you're not intrigued by now, you should be.

Check it out:

That's not all!

They are also promoting it with a FREE application for iPhone and iPod Touch, which contains the music video, and 3 exclusive mini games in which you act out the scenes which are in the video!

For any Coldplay fan (with an iPod) it's a must have and i've already completed all 3 games because I'm just that pathetic!

On top of all this, The video is being shown before Bruno at ALL Odeon Cinemas!

Despite the single not being released until September, they are plugging it a lot already,
It wouldn't surprise me if there were a few TV spots and the likes.

Quite frankly I think they deserve another Number 1.

Of course Coldplay have only ever had 1 UK number one, with Viva la Vida, which was used in an itunes advert for a while before it was released, a big factor towards its success.

May i remind you of it's success?

Number 1 in five countries
Won a Grammy for 'Song of the Year'
Stayed in the Uk top 40 for 10 Months!
3 times platinum.

Coldplay's 'Speed of Sound' was of course robbed of the number one spot in 2005 by the Crazy Frog.

It wouldn't surprise me if something like that happened again;
The UK top 5 at the moment contains Cascada, La Roux, and JLS.

Dear oh Dear...



Thursday 30 July 2009

Sperm Police

First of all, I'd like to open this blog by congratulating Jack on his blog regarding bands selling out, as i've received positive feedback from it and I, myself think it's our best blog so far. But moving on...

I wanna talk about Jude Law's cock.

Yes you may have heard in the news, Jude Law has got yet ANOTHER poor girl pregnant, and this time, no-one knows who the fuck they are!

This will make it the 4th time that Mr Law has sewn his seed, but counting his step-son will make it his 5th child, despite being only 36 years old!

In a statement released by him he states, despite him and the woman not even being together anymore "he intends to be a fully supportive part of the child's life".

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this will be a result of Law's seedy reputation, a man renowned for one night stands and cheating on his many partners including fellow A-lister; Sienna Miller.

Yes, it seems that he can't keep it in his pants! And without sounding like a prude, it amuses me that people still consider him an icon and sex symbol, despite his blatant disrespect for women and commitment.

Take a look at this..

This handsome devil above is Robert Pattinson, you may recognise him as Cedric Diggory from 'Harry Potter', or far more fucking likely; blood-sucking vampire Edward Cullen from the 'Twilight' film saga.

It goes without saying that he is the hottest young male star in the world right now, even bigger than Zac Efron, i'm sure many would agree.

It shocks and somewhat offends me that he has been pitched many a time as 'The next Jude Law'. Personally I can't see the resemblance between the two, and the attitudes of both are most un-similar, the main difference being that Rob doesn't think he's gods gift, and probably hasn't shagged his way through hollywood by now, which is less than I could probably say for Jude Law at 23.

To balance things out a bit though, Jude Law does have a new film coming out, where he is starring as Watson in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, in which no doubt he'll be paid a fine bit of money.

However its questionable how much of that will actually go into his pocket, as I hear Child Support is a real bitch, and the amount of kids he has, It troubles me to think he might not be getting paid enough!

Perhaps he should get a paper-round.



Wednesday 29 July 2009


The concept of a band 'selling out' you realise is very tainted nowadays. It is hard to distinguish whether or not a band has truly 'sold-out' because a lot of fans are often too harsh and do not realise why the band had to come to that certain point in their career. Musical styles change as well as appearances and with that audienes grow but there are many reasons why this happens, not just influence from other bands and musicians, but record producers and managers all play a role in defining bands' career moves.

One fine example of a band that has been branded a sell-out are the Kings of Leon. A young(well in their 20's) alternative rock band from Tennesse that formed in 1999. In 2003 they recorded 'Youth and Young Manhood', a fantastic album that is KOL in a nutshell. Four young deep southerners from America let loose in a recording studio. Caleb Followill wrote the songs and most of them as you could tell are about 'youth and young manhood'. Two years later 'Aha Shake Heart Break' was released and once again the band continued to play in their image, giving the fans what they wanted, regardless of whether everything was brilliant in the sales department although the album was deemed a success. Physically the band were very easy to distinguish. Often wearing t-shirts that were too small for them and Caleb and Nathan both had shoulder length hair and thick beards, although around the time of the second album Caleb had shaven his beard off. All of the band members had long hair though, this had always been a signature trait for KOL in the early days.

'Because of The Times' was released in April 2007 to very mixed reviews and saw the band take a very new direction. Songs like 'Mcfearless', 'My party' and 'Charmer' showed that the lads had went for a hard-rock blues with far more edge to it than the last two. This would have lost some support from their older fans. This combined with tracks like 'On Call' that show their clear drive to experiment with pop would shake the fans belief in the four Nashville-born lads. Nevertheless the band could sleep peacefully knowing the album debuted at number one in Britain and Ireland.

When 'Only by the Night' was released in Britain on September 19 2008 it debuted at no.1 but only remained there for a week. The album was a complete change from the ones prior to it. Caleb had been quoted as saying he had been writing some of the best songs in his life, but as far as Kings of Leons' original fanbase was concerned, they hadn't heard them. Masses of people from Rolling Stones to youtube fanatics had branded them sellouts for changing their image from corn-fed southern american hippies to run-of-mill indie bums. Despite all of this their album was still successful as ever, with 'Sex on fire' reaching no.1. This album showed that KOL had clearly aimed this album as a ballad, with hits that could get stuck in your head.

But what was the reason for this new approach? Well, more than likely, just like every other band that it happens to, e.g. Fallout Boy, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, the record company would have basically said that they would have been better off making their sound more global because they would attract a larger audience and told them to get a haircut and new threads, as well as giving them a shit load of money in the process. They also may have may have switched to a different record company at the advice of their manager i.e something like Universal. If their record company never told them to do this they would have only came to this conclusion themselves but it is always harsh when a band loses their early fan-base because of a new look and sound. But pressing on, out with the long hair and in with the straighteners for the boys for 2009. Not just that, it seemed that with the success of the album the boys were given the money back in topman vouchers as all you can see them in now are skinny jeans, shirts, thin ties and waist coats. Out with the old and in with the new just doesn't seem to register here. KOL had it all, a massive fanbase on every continent that truly appreciated them for their own style and then they had to spoil it. What do they have now though? A bunch of 'Sex on fire' boys just hanging about at festivals they might appear at? That's nothing really.

Other bands have faced this great challenge in the past but resisted, these have included 'Nirvana' and 'Radiohead'. Kurt Cobain said in interviews that they (Nirvana) would like to have signed to a major label because of the advertising and distribution but it was just never going to happen, plus they were already signed up to 'sub-pop' at the time, a more independant record label. Also, Kurt could never contemplate having his music used by corporations so when the pressure finally got to him he shot himself. Radiohead are an excellent example of a band that people should look up to. In October 2007 they released 'In Raibows', a downloadable album from their website that their fans could pay any price they wished depending on how good they thought the album was. Prices generally ranged from £0.01 to £10.00 but no higher. This is just an example of how great Radiohead are with their fans and how much they care about their image. This has been key in both bands success and establishing their fanbase, if only more bands were able to resist the temptation of more money from men in shiny suits with white teeth and contracts. Damn you, you ruin our music!



Give us the Hunger!!!

Yes, my title is stolen from a Burger King advert, however this blog contains a serious note behind it.

The topic of this blog is in fact food, in particular; how we deal with our urges towards food.
In other words, Hunger.

Now of course hunger rules many peoples lives, obese people obviously; people who are in fact ADDICTED to food, and the worst type of foods at that.
Burgers, chips, pizza, chocolate and crisps being the obvious examples.

Some of you may have just read that and licked your lips, others may have reacted badly to it, cos it's true, some people do hate fatty foods, whether it's because they know what it does to their insides, or they don't like the look of it, or they may genuinely dislike the taste! Myself, i love binge eating everynow and then, but this is of course a personal blog, hence i want to talk about me me me again.

The last two weeks or so i've had a theory in my head; Is hunger psychological?
I thought to myself: 'It's my mind that tells me to eat, so I eat.'
But the mind tells us to do many things, just because the mind tells us to do something, doesnt mean we do it does it? So recently, i've been ignoring my hunger urges, as they are excessive, I do eat way too much, usually 2 meals (skipping breakfast as i usually get up too late) with snacking in between, then sweets and maybe another small meal on the night? That's too much, ESPECIALLY since i do next to no exercise, so yes I have cut down.

At first denying hunger urges was hard, especially on a night time, but as the days passed, they did in fact disappear, and now i am no longer tempted to snack at night, which in under two weeks, I must admit was quite easy. I have also lost a few pounds, which was also easy, so I dunno why people have so much trouble dieting, it's only food.

I have another theory, which could be practiced if tested properly:
Many people get a lot of pleasure from food, it's their vice etc etc, but theres no need for this, taste is just one of the 5 senses (or 6 if your gonna get all Bruce Willis on me) so why do we need to over endulge ourselves in food? It's totally unnecesary.
My theory is, if we manipulate our pleasure principal, to the point where the pleasure we get from food is minimal, either replacing the pleasure, with for example, the pleasure of listening to music, or watching something, or in an extreme and unrealistic case; replacing your hunger urge with your sex urge, this bears problems though, as no human, especially fat people, have 24 hour access to sex!

There are ways around that though, for example, next time you're in the supermarket, DON'T buy chocolate, crisps and the likes...
Buy either a dildo, or a blow up doll!

Jokes aside though, i saw this in the sun the other day;

This on the left, is a starbucks Iced coffee, and it contains 561 calories.
If you give a shit, that is over a quarter of your reccomended daily calorie intake.

This news came as joyous to me, as anyone who drinks iced coffee is an idiot, and anyone who drinks iced coffee from starbucks is a idiot with -4 quid in their pocket, so you deserve to be fat!

I suppose my final message is, dieting is for attention seekers, if you want to lose weight, eat less shit food, it's as simple as that?


Sunday 26 July 2009

Comic Con

The last few days have been particularly eventful for people like me in the world.
Indeed, a nerd.

Yes, since Thursday, a small gathering has been on-going called Comic Con, this is the biggest Comic Book convention in the world and features all aspects of comics from Marvel to DC, it also includes film and TV show franchises such as The Twilight Saga, Heroes, Dexter, and of course my beloved LOST!

This has been my main interest in the convention, which I have followed for a number of years now and one day hope to attend (despite it being held in San Diego) :/

If any Losties are reading this, you probably already know all about it, because most people who still watch lost after 5 wonderful seasons are in fact all super-fans, by that I mean it is probably one of the hardest television shows to follow and requires a great deal of patience and dedication. However if you haven't checked out the content released at Comic Con, I urge you to, as it is STAGGERING.


The panel featured Darlton (Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse - Lost Producers), Micheal Emmerson (Ben Linus), Jorge Garcia (Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes), Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert), Josh Holloway (James 'Sawyer' Ford) and the surprise member of the panel who entered right at the end; Dominic Monaghan! Dom played the epic character Charlie Pace, everybody's favourite one hit wonder, heroin addicted British Musician who was famously killed off in the third season finale, a scene which made me cry and does every time i watch it.

Aswell as his surprise appearance, we saw 3 controversial new videos featuring -

  • Hurley on a TV advert for Mr Clucks, announcing he has nothing but good luck since he won the lottery, and had an idea whilst on holiday in Australia for a new type of chicken, which contradicts the fact that Oceanic 815 Crashed.
  • An Oceanic Air TV advert, saying they have had a perfect flight record, again contradicting the fact that Oceanic 815 Crashed on the island.
  • And the last video showing Kate on Americas most wanted criminals for allegedly attempting to kill her step-dad, but killing someone else by accident, in the show of course she did kill her step dad.
These videos suggest that they are from some sort of alternate reality, as Hurley having good luck since he won the lottery, Oceanic having a perfect flight record, and Kate failing to kill er step-dad are the exact opposite of what we have already seen in the show!

I'm no professional Lost theorist, but these videos have provoked much thought to what direction season 6 is taking, and by the looks of it, the characters did prevent the 'incident' and therefore their plane crashing on the island, and appear to now be in some sort of alternate reality.

Either way, i'm more excited for season 6 than i've ever been, although i'm sure that will change by tomorrow!



state of mind

I have always been interested in how thoughts represent our state of mind as human beings. Whether it be stable, depressed, happy or woeful. Thoughts obviously can't be read so it is up to the beholder to bestow them upon people such as psyciatrists and friends etc. Therefore it is important that you always have a tentative ear at the ready for those around you because you never know what you may come out of their mouth (that was never meant in a dirty manner!), like what you will following this.

First of all. HOMOSEXUAL THOUGHTS. I have always wondered if having homosexual thoughts meant you were gay so to me it has always felt like a dark area to tread on. One must always turn his attention to the nearest thing, the xbox! the telly! porn mags! ah that's me safe for another day. But what if something else comes up from out of the blue? You're just flicking through the channels on virgin telly or something, watching sky sports or something, flicking down like I have done numerous times before and then by accident I've landed on the porn channels and lo and behold it's the gay tv nightly channel. Panic courses the veins like a venom and you just start pressing anything on the remote, up, down, left, right, then finally you're back on the football. Ahh safe for another day.

But then it came about again today out of the blue, harshly. I've just been watching a documentary on BBC with my family about a team of athletes journeying to the south pole. The programme itself was good but that's irrelevant. There was a scene when one of the men, a former olympic athlete was inside a tent receiving treatment for a wound and he was contemplating whether or not they could continue the trip. I had been thinking of ways the programme could have all of a sudden been made funnier by something inexplically out of the blue. One of which was that the doctor would reveal that he wasn't even a doctor and sprint out of the tent. The other one, which is far more sinister was a parody of brokeback mountain. The film in short in which two gay cowboys make love to each other. I seriously don't know where this came from and my laughing at myself draw strange looks from all angles of the room. Still though, I thought it would be funny.

Next up: MURDEROUS THOUGHTS. I frequently have murderous thoughts and they are thoughts that I am genuinely not afraid to admit to. If someone annoys you to the extent of making you feel that much agony, why not imagine yourself smothering their face with a pillow? Or if ts your style ofcourse. I personally favour common street knife, 'Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions' in the words of the late, great Heath Ledger from The Dark Knight. Everyone has had murderous thoughts and they would be lieing if they said they never, the amount will vary though for every person. So whether that means that me having frequent thoughts about murdering people means that I am psycotic is questionable.It could be stress. And what better way to deal with it? As long as I wasntto push it to the limits like Christian Bale's character is American Psycho. Personally I really feel the chances of that would be minute, I'd be too scared of what would happen if I got caught in the process, probobly beaten up by the person I was trying to kill, then thrown in jail anyway! Knowing my luck that would happen.

I also had another murderous thought today, but in a very light-hearted manner if that's possible. When I was watching Mock the Week on thursday night frankie boyle made a joke about Joey out of friends on the final round. The chosen subject was 'worst person to share a flat with' and Frankie stepped up and said 'oh we're gonna have so much fun my last apartment was just like friends have you not seen the one where joey kills everybody!!' and at the end he morphs into a bit of a lunatic. Three days later I haven't thought about the joke until now and I today I suddenly penned an entire movie for this one joke frankie boyle made. This is what the FRIENDS movie should be about, not some happy sappy romcom like sex and the city but some intense thriller that will spark the career of Matt le Blanc who lets face it, really needs it after the mess that was 'Joey'. If a director or producer (im not sure how the film industry works) went up to the big boys at Universal and told of this idea, im sure they would get something rolling. If not a couple of scriptwriters working on something then at least muffin or two for their trouble. But in this film, because it was so in depth I can't go into it all I will only give you a basic outline. By the way I am not too sure about what happened in Joey so this would just follow a few years on from friends. Basically, three years after the departure of Monica and Chandler from the apartments we discover that Rachael and Ross have also been married and have moved next to Monica and Chandler, leaving Joey more upset but he came to terms with it thanks to Phoebe and Mike who still live in the city. When Mike's father dies and Phoebe declares that she is pregnant, they decide that it is best to start a family in suburbia, out of the city. This news pushes Joey over the edge, triggering a long line of mental illness that none of his friends were ever aware off. As they try to help him, he travels to they cosy home and picks them all off one by one in a horrific bloodbath while chandler races back to the city the two cross paths leading in a confrontation in central perk.


Thursday 23 July 2009

Neighbours Garden, a sad but often light tale of old age, friendship and tresspassing

Several months ago the house next door to me was the centre of a semi-catastrophe when a fire broke out, leaving the old woman trapped inside the living room, withering and scared like a mule being cornered by a hungry lion. Like something out of a Michael Bay movie, the Doctor who lives one door along from her, happened to notice and broke the door down and dragged the helpless granny to safety. This event has always been something of gossip on the street and my mother relishes in the opportunity, not that people don't care ofcourse. The amount of people out on that night was really something, at least twenty or so when it wasn't even that big of a fire.

A week or so had passed and the event had caused her (my next door neighboors) heart to suffer, she couldn't take it anymore so she moved into an old peoples home. Once again the street relished in the chance to gossip about who would be moving into the fair sized house that could easily fit a family of 5.


Throughout the summer I have been playing football in my front street a lot with my friend who lives up the road, the hot weather almost kicks you out of bed in the morning and boots the ball in your face when your a footie fan. But recently we've 'accidently' kicked the ball over my neighbours wall a few times and because the house is abandoned we weren't able to get it. That was however, until Ben the gardener had unlocked the side gate and we figured out a way to unlock it from my back garden, AHA!! We have entry!! It was like narnia! Larger than you would imagine looking at the house. We only went in to get the ball but we stayed for about half an hour or 40 minutes. Time flies when your tresspassing in an abandoned house, well the garden of a house that's up for sale. That was however until we heard the sound of tyres rolling up on pavement. We froze dead. I sprinted to the gate without even a second glance of the very thing I came in for, that being the ball ofcourse. Phew, it was someone else on the other side of the road. It's funny though, how something like crunching of stones under tyres can make you feel excitement, even if its short-lived.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Call Centres

As promised, I'll tell this story.

Yesterday I was expecting a phone call from one of my mates, but I wanted to go in the shower, so I tactically placed my phone as close as i could to the shower without it being wet, clever me. Anyway, i was in the shower and sure enough my phone went, so after a quick struggle and dry off i answered my phone.

Now for the sake of political correctness I'm gonna say that when Answered the phone, it was an 'Indian' Lady who responded with 'Hello, am I speaking to a home owner?', in which i answered no, as believable as this may be, at 17 i do not own a home, the closest I have came to this is playing The Sims in which i Always used the infinite money cheat!
When i said no she quickly replied 'Ok, Bye'

How fucking rude.

I've been replaying this scenario over and over in my head, and think I should have responded to her question with things such as;

'Yeah, but it's just been hit by a tsunami, is that ok?'

'Yes, you want buy? I give you good price, cheaper than Asda'

'Yeah but i'm currently renting it out to a group of extremist Palistinians, perhaps you're better off speaking to them'

Or of course the classic, go along with it, listen to what she has to say, and if she tries to sell me something, try and sell her something back. This would go along the lines of something like:

Woman: Are you a Home owner?
Me: Yes
W: Wanna buy insurance?
M: I dunno, but I'm selling some tickets to see Spandau Ballet at the Arena, you interested like ya slut?

That's how you piss off people in call centres, and that's how you make sure they never phone back, don't lose your temper, don't hang up, if you prove to be a nuisance for them, they'll never phone you back.

Well this blog has turned out to be more of a self-help blog for battling the cal centre demons than a story.

I think I've christened this blogspot quite well.




On Saturday night I ventured to the cinema with my parents to see the latest installment of the Harry Potter franchise. We got there for 10 to 6 even though the film never started till half past. As always my parents once again argued over the parking leaving a begrudged die-hard potter fan raring to go in the back seat. It turned out that leaving so early was a very wise choice as the cinema was almost full and nearly every seat was taken. Regardless we manged to scupper 3 prime seats on the aisle near the back just as the cinema screen was filling. We sat through half an hours worth of fussing parents and dimming lights before they rolled the opening credits, well the adverts, once again another half an hours worth as they always do. Finally the feature presentation began only for several young dickheads to walk into the screen f**ing and blinding, great! That's what I love about cinemas in city centre's. Guess where they came and sat, 5 perfectly placed seats, right infront of yours truly, almost like God's face had came through the screen and he deliberately gave me the middle finger. The film started and so did the shuffling back and forth, god I hate that. I seriously don't understand how someone has to sit in so many postions during the course of 2 hours, it is utterly ridiculous.

But once I saw some absolutely stunning CGI I have to say my mind was transported into the film and the directors job was done. A lot of the book had been left out but as is the same with all books that get film treatment. A few minor hiccups left me disrupted from it for example more swearing from the lads next to me and some girl next to me swinging on her chair but I took it on the chin and said cunts will be cunts (pardon for my language but I really hate those inconsiderate arseholes I really DO).


The Time Has Come!

Yes indeed the time has come and Michael Jackson jokes ARE FINALLY IN!

Yes, it may be a bold statement more based on opinion than fact, but I feel that it has now reached the stage in time where it can be quite socially acceptable to tell a Michael Jackson joke without being flamed, my evidence for this?Chat shows.
Indeed, Alan Carr is pulling out all the MJ jokes and gets no negative feedback, that may of course be due to the fact that he's fucking adorable and who would actually be physically able to hate such a cutie. However, those reasons aside; Jimmy Carr and his panel have been getting away with a few on 8 out of 10 cats, and I'm sure there would be a staggering amount of people queuing up to stab Jimmy Carr if he made a boo boo, because he is an annoying little mannaquin cunt isn't he?

Furthermore, those nobodies from the TNT show get away with murder (no pun intended) regarding MJ, and who gives a shit if they get their wrists slapped, but so far, no punishment has come upon them.

So yes, i believe that it is A-OK now to be telling Michael Jackson jokes, but not to me please, theyre bad taste even for me.



Thumbs up to Heavier than Heaven

Recently I've started to once again pick up one of my favourite pass-times, one that in the current economic climate is wise, the joy of reading. Although this may make me appear boring I find it extremely relaxing and it is probobly one of the most efficient ways of passing the time, especially when you are a loser that has nothing to do during his summer holidays i.e. ME.

The book itself is called 'Heavier than Heaven' a biography of Kurt Cobains life (by Charles R. Cross), charting from his blissful childhood filled with love and affection from both parents, spanning to his impending demise in his home in Seattle. The pin-point accuracy of Cross' information is astonishing to read and as it took him 4 years to conduct the research it is no wonder. Upon researching the book online I've learned that he also conducted over 400 interviews with people that came into contact with Kurt throughout his life, a feit that has been commended by everyone who I've heard has read it. Well on internet review pages anyway. Some guy on one of them gives it 3.5 out 5, not bad.

It is also a very interesting book because of the way Cross tells it. As an example, Cobain used to exaggerate to his friends that the 'rednecks' would beat the shit out of him in the school toilets and then go home and tell his parents the same thing, only when Cross delved deeper in the story he asked Cobains friends' about these so called 'beatings' he would get and they said the rednecks never did anything to him. Cobain was just finding a means to exaggerate the torment he was feeling at the hands of his mother and father separating. This is only an example though, the rest is not a doom and glum depressing noir biography about a rockstar trying to kill himself, there is more to it than that.

'Heavier than Heaven' gets a thumbs up from me. Soon ill be thinking of what to read next...


Head Hurts

It has come to the stage in the summer holidays where i want to do everything, but can't decide what to do, resulting me in doing NOTHING. I want to write, paint, draw, sing, talk, run, hide, sleep, build, watch, listen, basically most pleasant verbs! I think I just try to have my fingers in too many pies, maybe I should focus on one task at a time, I like Podcasting, I like writing Music, I like blogging, and plenty of other things, if i was to combine them, I would produce a musical about my life and make it available through iTunes. It would be called 'Mein Kampf - The Chris Thompson Story' Name obviously borrowed from Hitler; a less interesting and controversial version of me, yet with better facial hair. My double chin is far inferior to Hitler's though, which is a good thing.

A man named Jamie Kernan once said to me;
'When shaving, a man should always have a private moment of glory where he is free to express his desire to have a Hitler Moustache without being frowned upon.'
I imagine if I ever try this, i will either be snapped by the paparazzi that hound me from day to day (lol), or alternatively, raided by the police for my Pirate DVD collection or abusing my unlimited bandwidth; downloading Torrent upon Torrent of music and video, in which case I will be spotted sporting my sporadic spectacle of the proposed 'Nazi Tash' and labelled instantly as a jew basher.See what I mean? I have too much spare time.



Weetabix Chronicles

Here's an interesting one for you; My mam and dad came back from Wales today (after a weekend of living off Lager and Domino's i feel like i'm a recovering Heroin Addict) and they brought be back some presents. Some Clothes, A Book, A DVD and some Musical Instruments!I have been searching for a tin whistle for a while now and was delighted that they brought me one back, I aspire to play Irish Jig music and would love to put some music like that in the podcast, however, this was NOT the main event!They brought me back an instrument called a Jew's Harp, which I urge you to google, and watch on youtube. They are mental, you put them in your mouth and twang a small piece of metal, the amount of notes you can produce from it is extremely questionable, but it's an obscure instrument, and I thrive on them.That aside though, I have another interesting tale.

The other night i had 7 bottles of lager, which, as I'm not a regular drinker, would usually put me well on my way, however i was surprisingly sober. Here is the interesting part though; I then had a bowl of weetabix, which I forgot how nice was. After that, for some reason, I felt the full effects of the alcohol and indeed became intoxicated, Why was this? Did the alcohol in my stomach react with the wheat or the sugar that was in my cereal? Or was it a mere coincidence that i felt the effects after all that time? Or did I just not give it enough time to make me drunk? I don't know, but it certainly is making a note of, If you ever want to get drunk quickly (Don't know why you would but nevermind...) EAT WEETABIX.




These blogs have been continued from our old blogging spot which was

Tuesday 21 July 2009


Welcome to the Official Blogspot of The Chris Thompson Podcast.  From this website you will learn absolutely everything about life, the world, the past, the present and the future.
Aswell as giving you information about The Chris Thompson Podcast, I will also be featuring an all new blog, which can be edited by anyone working on the podcast.
This is the most important website you will ever visit, so make sure you read everything and bookmark it.

Stay in school, Don't vote Labour,
Peace x