Wednesday 22 July 2009

Call Centres

As promised, I'll tell this story.

Yesterday I was expecting a phone call from one of my mates, but I wanted to go in the shower, so I tactically placed my phone as close as i could to the shower without it being wet, clever me. Anyway, i was in the shower and sure enough my phone went, so after a quick struggle and dry off i answered my phone.

Now for the sake of political correctness I'm gonna say that when Answered the phone, it was an 'Indian' Lady who responded with 'Hello, am I speaking to a home owner?', in which i answered no, as believable as this may be, at 17 i do not own a home, the closest I have came to this is playing The Sims in which i Always used the infinite money cheat!
When i said no she quickly replied 'Ok, Bye'

How fucking rude.

I've been replaying this scenario over and over in my head, and think I should have responded to her question with things such as;

'Yeah, but it's just been hit by a tsunami, is that ok?'

'Yes, you want buy? I give you good price, cheaper than Asda'

'Yeah but i'm currently renting it out to a group of extremist Palistinians, perhaps you're better off speaking to them'

Or of course the classic, go along with it, listen to what she has to say, and if she tries to sell me something, try and sell her something back. This would go along the lines of something like:

Woman: Are you a Home owner?
Me: Yes
W: Wanna buy insurance?
M: I dunno, but I'm selling some tickets to see Spandau Ballet at the Arena, you interested like ya slut?

That's how you piss off people in call centres, and that's how you make sure they never phone back, don't lose your temper, don't hang up, if you prove to be a nuisance for them, they'll never phone you back.

Well this blog has turned out to be more of a self-help blog for battling the cal centre demons than a story.

I think I've christened this blogspot quite well.



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