Thursday 30 July 2009

Sperm Police

First of all, I'd like to open this blog by congratulating Jack on his blog regarding bands selling out, as i've received positive feedback from it and I, myself think it's our best blog so far. But moving on...

I wanna talk about Jude Law's cock.

Yes you may have heard in the news, Jude Law has got yet ANOTHER poor girl pregnant, and this time, no-one knows who the fuck they are!

This will make it the 4th time that Mr Law has sewn his seed, but counting his step-son will make it his 5th child, despite being only 36 years old!

In a statement released by him he states, despite him and the woman not even being together anymore "he intends to be a fully supportive part of the child's life".

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this will be a result of Law's seedy reputation, a man renowned for one night stands and cheating on his many partners including fellow A-lister; Sienna Miller.

Yes, it seems that he can't keep it in his pants! And without sounding like a prude, it amuses me that people still consider him an icon and sex symbol, despite his blatant disrespect for women and commitment.

Take a look at this..

This handsome devil above is Robert Pattinson, you may recognise him as Cedric Diggory from 'Harry Potter', or far more fucking likely; blood-sucking vampire Edward Cullen from the 'Twilight' film saga.

It goes without saying that he is the hottest young male star in the world right now, even bigger than Zac Efron, i'm sure many would agree.

It shocks and somewhat offends me that he has been pitched many a time as 'The next Jude Law'. Personally I can't see the resemblance between the two, and the attitudes of both are most un-similar, the main difference being that Rob doesn't think he's gods gift, and probably hasn't shagged his way through hollywood by now, which is less than I could probably say for Jude Law at 23.

To balance things out a bit though, Jude Law does have a new film coming out, where he is starring as Watson in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, in which no doubt he'll be paid a fine bit of money.

However its questionable how much of that will actually go into his pocket, as I hear Child Support is a real bitch, and the amount of kids he has, It troubles me to think he might not be getting paid enough!

Perhaps he should get a paper-round.



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