Wednesday 22 July 2009

The Time Has Come!

Yes indeed the time has come and Michael Jackson jokes ARE FINALLY IN!

Yes, it may be a bold statement more based on opinion than fact, but I feel that it has now reached the stage in time where it can be quite socially acceptable to tell a Michael Jackson joke without being flamed, my evidence for this?Chat shows.
Indeed, Alan Carr is pulling out all the MJ jokes and gets no negative feedback, that may of course be due to the fact that he's fucking adorable and who would actually be physically able to hate such a cutie. However, those reasons aside; Jimmy Carr and his panel have been getting away with a few on 8 out of 10 cats, and I'm sure there would be a staggering amount of people queuing up to stab Jimmy Carr if he made a boo boo, because he is an annoying little mannaquin cunt isn't he?

Furthermore, those nobodies from the TNT show get away with murder (no pun intended) regarding MJ, and who gives a shit if they get their wrists slapped, but so far, no punishment has come upon them.

So yes, i believe that it is A-OK now to be telling Michael Jackson jokes, but not to me please, theyre bad taste even for me.



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