Sunday 26 July 2009

Comic Con

The last few days have been particularly eventful for people like me in the world.
Indeed, a nerd.

Yes, since Thursday, a small gathering has been on-going called Comic Con, this is the biggest Comic Book convention in the world and features all aspects of comics from Marvel to DC, it also includes film and TV show franchises such as The Twilight Saga, Heroes, Dexter, and of course my beloved LOST!

This has been my main interest in the convention, which I have followed for a number of years now and one day hope to attend (despite it being held in San Diego) :/

If any Losties are reading this, you probably already know all about it, because most people who still watch lost after 5 wonderful seasons are in fact all super-fans, by that I mean it is probably one of the hardest television shows to follow and requires a great deal of patience and dedication. However if you haven't checked out the content released at Comic Con, I urge you to, as it is STAGGERING.


The panel featured Darlton (Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse - Lost Producers), Micheal Emmerson (Ben Linus), Jorge Garcia (Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes), Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert), Josh Holloway (James 'Sawyer' Ford) and the surprise member of the panel who entered right at the end; Dominic Monaghan! Dom played the epic character Charlie Pace, everybody's favourite one hit wonder, heroin addicted British Musician who was famously killed off in the third season finale, a scene which made me cry and does every time i watch it.

Aswell as his surprise appearance, we saw 3 controversial new videos featuring -

  • Hurley on a TV advert for Mr Clucks, announcing he has nothing but good luck since he won the lottery, and had an idea whilst on holiday in Australia for a new type of chicken, which contradicts the fact that Oceanic 815 Crashed.
  • An Oceanic Air TV advert, saying they have had a perfect flight record, again contradicting the fact that Oceanic 815 Crashed on the island.
  • And the last video showing Kate on Americas most wanted criminals for allegedly attempting to kill her step-dad, but killing someone else by accident, in the show of course she did kill her step dad.
These videos suggest that they are from some sort of alternate reality, as Hurley having good luck since he won the lottery, Oceanic having a perfect flight record, and Kate failing to kill er step-dad are the exact opposite of what we have already seen in the show!

I'm no professional Lost theorist, but these videos have provoked much thought to what direction season 6 is taking, and by the looks of it, the characters did prevent the 'incident' and therefore their plane crashing on the island, and appear to now be in some sort of alternate reality.

Either way, i'm more excited for season 6 than i've ever been, although i'm sure that will change by tomorrow!



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