Thursday 17 December 2009

Christmas Don't

Sincerest Apologies for my blatant lack of blogging, my Notebook totally fucked up, turns out it was the operating system. I'm currently using jolicloud on it instead of windows and I must say it's very impressive.

Anyway, down to business.

Leaving The House

2009 has been a cold and wet year, as Jack kindly mentioned, but with the things to do inside one's boudoir these days, why would you want to?

When the internet was invented, the excitement was of course expected, giving the public unlimited access to thousands of resources such as texts, videos and music from all over the world, just at the push of a button. But when the PC was turned off, they were no better off than where they started, they had nothing to show for it. This soon changed.

When Ebay first hit the internet, people said 'No-one will ever leave the house again, they will just buy everything from home.' A good few years down the line, they're not far off!
Following in Ebay's footsteps respectively have been Amazon,, HMV and even supermarket chains now have internet shops, where people can buy things from the latest CD's and computer games, to Milk!

So we had shopping, but what about communication? A person would go mad staying in by themselves all day! E-mail gave people a way of sending each other messages, originally quite formal, as the speed it took to send an email, and then go through the process so that the recipient could view it, was very lengthy. Then came instant messenger, people could send each other messages instantly 'hence its name' and time delays were a thing of the past. But what if we wanted to share pictures with each other? What if we wanted to play games with each other?
Social Networking sites such as Myspace then came onto the scene, people could comment each other's photographs and post messages to each other, even if the recipient was offline, which instant messengers then could not do. But where could we go from here?

2009 saw the success of one of the biggest crazes to conquer the world since Pokemon, where communication was as easy as the pressing of a button, providing you kept it under 140 characters! Twitter gained users from every tom dick and harry like you and me, to huge celebrities like Demi Moore and even the President of the United States! It's simplicity unique and it's accessibility unlimited, Twitter became the definitive second generation in social networking.

At this rate we will never see daylight again, we will all weigh 40 stone, and if we do manage to communicate verbally, we will do so being very cautious not to use over roughly 20 words in fear of being cut off. My prediction for 2010: rapid increase in home education courses, possibly even taught by lecturers on a live video feed. At last, chat rooms WON'T be banned in school, school will BE a chat room.


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