Wednesday 16 December 2009

Christmas Do

Dinghy Owners

Now what may have turned out to a bad year for some areas of Great Britain i.e. Cumbria, Cockermouth (please be mature) and London due to freak, god- like weather may also have been a good year for those affected by it and those who had the chance to use the correct equipment when the time arrived.

CUMBRIA- A normal town in the west of England just minding its own, only to fall victim to torrential rainfall and subsequent flooding. Only the flooding reached such a scale that in some parts the water was reaching 8ft, leaving homes demolished and the people with no other option than to evacuate, 1/4 of the town were airlifted to safety. A large percentage of the town were dinghyed out of danger, as my picture demonstrates, as the water was too high to walk in. I bet the guys who had their dingys untouched in the attic for years didn't feel quite so stupid when this happened. A pristine,1st hand, one-of-its-kind speed-demon. You've saved up an entire 6 months worth of wages just to pay for it, but just like everything else, once you have it, it's never as good as you thought. So it sits in the storage cupboard collecting dust with all the other things you've given your heart to. Years pass and you forget it's even there. Until one day you see its raining. Then it's pouring. Next thing the waters up to the garage door. There's no chance of getting out to the car, it's underwater anyway. You put the news on and the news reader is talking about evacuations in your area. Suddenly you remember that dinghy that brought you joy when you saved up for it all those months ago. You and you're loved ones not only have a safe method of transport to safety, but the ability to help others. And this is what has happened in Cockermoth, Cumbria.

London also had been hit at the start of the year by horrendous snow, almost 'The Day After Tomorrow' like Blizzards which sent the capital into a standstill. Buses couldn't/wouldn't run, there was no transport fullstop, people weren't leaving their homes, CRISIS! How is this relevant to my 'Christmas Do' though? Well had people braced themselves for the cold of winter properly and had the city actually done something to control the situation before it happened i.e. prepared, then the whole situation could have been diverted. Just look at these guys on the dingys, they prepared and they were ready. Global Warming is real People, face it.



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