Thursday 10 December 2009

Christmas Do

On the first Do of Christmas Jack Turner said to me;

Subo who?

Throughout the months of April and May in 2009 the nation was taken by storm as the media circled around one woman. A woman with a voice that could break your heart, but a face that could turn your stomach.

This woman was Susan Boyle, from West Lothian, Scotland. She had travelled all the way to Glasgow for the auditions of Britain's Got Talent with the dream of 'being a proffessional singer like Elaine Page'. This was with the motivation she had taken from her mothers death as she intended to pay homage to her by becoming a success (don't they all have a story). Needless to say turning up dressed in an old yellow dress and unbrushed hair, aswell as making an arse out of herself got things off to a rocky start, with Simon rolling his eyes as it looked to be another one of those auditions we would come to remember and laugh at when the end of the series came. But once the chatting faded and the music began to play, she sang. But what came out wasn't horrible, but a strong and distinguished voice that really carried the song. The audience erupted into appaluse and with dollar signs in his eyes Simon Cowell licked his lips as he realised the newest talent that was just about to grace him his money.

So Susan Boyle progressed to the next stage of the competition with ease and on youtube the clip of her actual audition was reaching record heights for views. As it stands over 80 million people have viewed it. Within a week of that performance she was doing guest appearances on Scottish TV's 'The Five Thirty Show' and soon after she was on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', 'Larry King Live' and CBS'S 'The Early Show'.

But soon enough the competition reached it's climax with thousands of contenstants being given the boot before this stage and it came to these two. Subo, and Diversity, a highly skilled team of urban break-dancers that deserved there place.

Who was it to be?.......................................................DIVERSITY!!!! Despite the fact that Susan Boyle was favourite to win ever since that first audition she only came in second place.

Nevertheless 4 months later she was in a recording studio, putting the finishing touches on her first album so it couldn't have been that bad coming second place. 'I dreadmed a dream' as it is called, named after the track which she sang in that famous audition and also features in the album is's best selling album and is the fastest selling UK debut album. So congratulations Subo.

So 2009's been a great year for Susan Boyle, maybe 2010 will be too. Either way, she couldn't look any worse then she did this year...

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