Saturday 19 December 2009

Christmas Do

Books on 'How to fuck up your career indefinitely'

Now I think anyone who has at least stayed remotely in touch with the media for the past few months will have to agree that this has been a convingcingly terrible year for probobly the best golfer of all time, Tiger Woods. A man who people everywhere could look up to as a role model has been demoted to nothing more than a shameful slut.

Proffessionally, the year had started off well for Tiger as he returned from injury and throughout the earlier months of the year he won several majour tournaments including 2009 PGA Championship, The Memorial Tournament and The AT&T National (where according to recent media speculation he is supposed to have met and exchanged numbers with Jessica Simpson, but we'll come back to that). As the year progressed he then won more titles at the BMW Championships, The Fed Ex Cup and he came secone in the 2009 Presidents Cup. And that was about as good as things got for Tiger...

When November hit, the tabloids claimed that Tiger had been cheating on his wife of two years, however his wife stayed by his side and denied the alligations. Things then took a crazier turn when Tiger was involved in a car crash and his wife helped him out of the mess. Only later, it has been discovered that the car crash was caused because he was being chased down by his wife after they had a heated argument, role models eh? However, he took personal blame for the crash.

Things then took another horrible turn as Jaimee Grubbs, a cocktail waitress from San Diego opened up publicly to US Weekly about how she had a two and a half year affair with Tiger. The evidence was undeniable as she produced voice clips and texts he'd sent her, there was no turning from it this time. Tiger was left with no alternative then to release an apology that was fully exploited by everyone and everything.

After this the floodgates opened with over a dozen women claiming to have slept with the golfer, leading to media frenzy that threatened to tarnish Tigers reputation forever, including facegroup sites called 'I've slept with Tiger Woods'. As a result of which he was forced to make another statement in which he apologized to his fans and family and admitted to the aligations, he then also used this to publically announce another break from golf (was anyone shocked? a few were perhaps but it was inevitable).

Gillette, who Tiger Woods was the face of, along with Thierry Henry and Roger Federer soon parted company with him, a major blow for him business wise but again, not a major shock.

As if the shitheap of this story couldn't get any higher, a mystery blond woman was then taken from his home in a stretcher to a nearby hospital. His wife wasn't living with him at the time, but media speculation bounced around the idea that it was his mother-in-law, and judging by how downhill this whole saga has ended up, it wouldn't be suprising.

Most recently even more women have came out and claimed to have slept with Golfing legend. And thus concludes Tiger Woods' 2009, unless there is another horrible twist or another shocking revelation. But 2010 has to mark the start of a new year and a fresh start for what we once always saw as an honest and decent proffessional. Let's hope he makes the most of it.



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